

2016.July 11-July 17 O-bon in Tokyo

●July 11(Mon.) I went for a yoga lesson.
●July 12(Tue.) I went for a dental checkup, then went for a syodo (calligraphy)lesson.
●July 13(Wed.) I went to a public bath;Tsubame-yu (燕湯) has been recognized as a Registered Tangible Cultural Property (Structure) since 2008.

You can enjoy the displays of seasonal flowers at Tsubame-yu's entrances.

These are Tanabata (bamboo decorations in conjunction with Star Festival) and lilies.

In Tokyo, it is O-bon season from 7/13-7/15. O-bon is a Buddhist event occurring from the 13th to 16th of July(only Tokyo) or August to hold a memorial service to the spirits of ancenstors. Because the spirits of the dead are said to return at this time, fires and lit at the entrances to home so the spirits do not lose their way. And, in addition to lanterns being lit inside homes, the Buddhist home altars are tidied up and vegetables and fruit are set out as offerings.

●July 14(Thu.) Today I went for a meeting at the residents' hall of Bunkyo ward for the secondtime. 

The first time we gathered and met here was last Wednesday. It's organized by an Active Listening Society called Zo-no-mimi(ゾウの耳=elephant's ears). They want to put up their own website, and they need help to keep the site updated on a regular basis. They were looking for volunteers, so a women and I participated in a training course last month. It was a great timing and a mutch for both of us -as I intended to join the volunteer work and they looked for someone who can help them as a volunteer.

●July 15 (Fri.) Today my elder sister visited my house to offer an incense stick to my late husband. We had lunch at a noodle restaurant;my sister ate Kakitama-udon(udon noodles and egg in bonito broth) and I ate karey-udon(udon noodles in a curry soup).
I forgot to take a photo.

●July 16(Sat.), 17(Sun.), 18(Monday is National holiday;Marine day) I went for a yoga and practiced syodo (calligraphy)every day. I'm going to Hokkaido with my sisters to visit out relatives' graves from July 25 through August 1. So, I have to skip my  syodo lesson next  Tuesday.

