

2016.July4-July10 Memorial service

●July 4 (Mon.) I didn't do anything special today.

●July 5 (Tue.) I went for a syodo lesson.

●July 7 (Thu.) Today is Tanabata. Tanabata, also known as Star Festival, is held on July 7. It's based on a Chinese legend in which Altair (the star of the herdsman) and Vega (the star of the weaver-princess), though separated on opposite sides of the Milky Way, meet once a year on this day. Children write their wishes on strips of fancy paper, which they put on displays made of the branches of bamboo trees. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanabata

Some places have Tanabata decorations, but I don't want to see them. It's too hot outside;It's 37℃.

●July 9 (Sat.) It's raining today but I went to a temple at Azabu. There was a memorial service for my sister-in-law's late husband. It is known as Shijukunichi(四十九日):this memorial is held on the 45th day and his bones consign the remains to the grave. 

We gathered with out relatives and had a dinner party at a Chinese restaurant.

Next is Isshuki(一周忌): First anniversary, followed by Sankaiki(三回忌): Second anniversary and then Shichikaiki(七回忌): 6th anniversary. Thereafter, services will be held on the 13th, 17th, 23rd and 27th anniversary. The 33rd anniversary usually marks the official end of mourning, although this sometimes continues until the 50th anniversary.(In Buddhism, even though one has passed away for two years, it's counted as three years.)

●July 10 (Sun.) Today is the election day for the House of Councilors. There is a House of Representatives and a House of Councilors in Japan. Based on the principle that sovereignty resides in the people, every Japanese person over 18 years age (from this year onwards) has the right to vote.

