

2016 July19-Aug.1 Hokkaido北海道

●July19(Thu.)I went for a syodo(calligraphy)lesson.今日は書道の日

●July 20(Wed.) Today is the third Wednesday of the month;I went for a Weforum(Women's Executive Forum) meeting at a Tonkatsu restaurant in Omotesando.第三水曜日はWeフォーラムの集会日なので、今月の会場;表参道にある『まい泉』に行きました。

This is Omotesando street, there are many famous boutiques and  many fashionable people. 表参道はいつも通りおしゃれなお店と人が多いですね。

↑This is a robot dog! これはロボット犬!

The number of participants of this meeting was 16 members. We had a good time.

●July 25(Mon.) I went to Hokkaido by airplain. Vanilla Air(the airline's name)is cheaper at Narita airport.今日から格安航空券(バニラエア)を使って北海道に行きます。成田空港第三ターミナル利用。

I arrived at New Chitose airport, then I went to my sisters house by train.新千歳空港に着いたら、小樽行きのエアポート線に乗って姉の家に向かいました。

I have three elder sisters-the eldest lives in Tokyo, the second lives in Hokkaido, and the third passed away before I was born. 3人の姉のうち長女は東京、次女は北海道、三女は私が生まれる前に亡くなっています。

This is my nephew's dog;her name is Rue, she is five years old.
We had dinner at an Italian restaurant, we ate salad, tomato pasta, pizza and wine. Very nice! 甥の犬で5歳のルー女の子です。 皆集合したのでイタリア料理を食べに行きました。

●July 26(Tue.) I usually have a sofutokurimu (ice-cream cone)at service area(rest area).

We visited our parents and sister's grave in Asahikawa(旭川)by car. These are Shinto graves. 旭川まで両親とすぐ上の姉のお墓参りです。実家は神道です。

First we cleaned around the graves, cut the grass, offered flowers, sake, salt, rice, fruits etc. After cleaning we went to a hotel-Ashibetsu Starlight Hotel. お墓に着くと草刈りの清掃にかかります。父が亡くなって4回目の草刈りで随分楽になりました。さて、お供え後に御参りしたので、今日の宿泊先に向かいます。

The hotel has a big hot spring bath and dinner was delicious. Breakfast was buffet-style. We enjoyed ourselves and felt refreshed for one night.芦別スターライトホテルは、星が綺麗らしいのですが、夜は疲れて星どころではありません。しかし、温質も良く、お食事が美味しく、朝のブッフェはとても品数が多くて楽しめます。

July27(Wed.)I woke up early in the morning, took a dip in the hot spring, and had a big breakfast. 早朝に目覚め入浴後、朝食を沢山食べたので元気いっぱいです。

Yesterday the weather was cloudy but turned sunny during the day. There was a rather cool breeze, though. Today, it was a bit cloudy, and then we had some heavy rain in Sapporo. We visited my brother's grave;he didn't have a religion so he refused to be buried in the same family grave with my parents. He passed away when he was 45.
By the way, I also visited my friend's daughter, Kana, to see her son. He's very cute.

●July28(Thu.) I went to an Airbnb guest house at Shiroishi in Sapporo, and my elder sister went back home to Koganei, Tokyo. The guest house is a two-minute walk from Shiroishi subway station. 東京の姉は今日戻ります、私は海外で利用したAirbnbのまるまる貸切りを日本で初めて使います。事前に鍵の受け渡しもメールで連絡を取っていたので問題ありませんでした! 何より地下鉄駅から徒歩2分は魅力的。

I'm going to help my friend,Matsu, she is a table coordinator instructor, and she runs a school. She has a lot of plates, tablecloths, art flowers, and many things too.  My work is all about packing, packing, packing! Matsu trusts me very much, so she asked me for help. Of course I said I would help! I'm happy to help her. Tomorrow, we are going to Niseko with my friends by car.私は友人のマツ(ニックネーム)の引越を手伝うと買って出ました。テーブルコーディネーターの資格者で講師でも活躍しているので、その関係商品は数え切れないくらいです。高級な器をパッキングする作業を、マツも私なら任せると思ったのでしょう!長い付き合いですからお互いに信頼関係で成り立っています。そして、明日はもう一人の友人と三人でニセコにドライブです。

●July29(Fri.) Unfortunately, it's raining today, but I have an umbrella with me so I'm not worried. Matsu and I met at the subway station at 6:40 am, then we picked another friend up, Kiki, at her house. We started driving to Niseko and Yoichi(about 186km from our starting point). 残念なことに、今日は雨です。でも、晴れ女の私は全然心配していません。マツと朝6時40分に待ち合わせして、キキの家まで迎えに行き、さー、ニセコと余市の186kmのドライブです❗

On our way to Niseko, we saw an electronic signboard that said'Notice:heavy rain'. When we arrived at Niseko, the rain had sttoped and we saw some patches of blue sky. 

This is Mt.Yotei;people say it looks like Mt.Fuji. This area would be good for skiing. 


This is Hillton hotel. There's a golf course in front of the hotel, and also, the lift is just next door.  流石ヒルトンホテルです。目の前にはゴルフ場、横にはリフト乗り場があります。立ち寄り湯もありましたが、午後からでないと利用ができません。他の温泉にします。この辺は泉質も温泉宿も豊富です!

This is Milk-kobo, we had an ice-cream cone each. http://www.milk-kobo.com


After Milk-kobo we went to an onsen (hot spring):Kanro-no-yu(甘露の森). After soaking in the hot spring, your skin becomes so moist. That's why I love onsen.


Then we went to an Italian restaurant at Yoichi. 余市のイタリアレストラン『Jijiya Babaya』

Matsu sometimes comes here;we have heard about this restaurant, but for Kiki and I, it was our first time here.  マツが行く度、美味しいと聞かされていたので、今回キキと三人でやっと来る事が出来ました。↑ヘラガニパスタが一番

On our way to Sapporo we bought bread from this bakery. I bought a croissant and a quiche. The taste is good! I came back to my guest house at 6 pm.

●July30(Sat.) I continu packing wih Matsu, then we had Genghis Khan(ジンギスカン)for dinner. Genghis Khan is a Hokkaido-style barbecue, and it is named after a Mongolian emperor. A Genghis Khan pan looks like a Mongolian warrior's helmet and is used to grill the lamb and mutton. Most of them are imported from Australia and New Zealand.

●July31(Sun.) I will go back home tomorrow evening, Matsu and I were very tired but we worked really hard. 明日は帰京するので、二人で一生懸命荷造りをしました。

Today we had una-jyu(鰻重・rice layered with broiled eel) to improve our strength for tomorrow. And we went to a sento (public bath) to soak away some of the fatigue.

●Aug.1(Mon.) I checked out from the guest house at 8:30 am, and went to Ohdori Park by subway. 

I spent time until 10 am at Starbucks for breakfast.

After that, I met Matsu at the subway station at 10:30 am and we went to Hokkaido Jingu (it's a Shinto Shrine).

We are mochi(rice cake). After that, we went back to Matsu's lesson school to pack up again. It's time to go to Chitose airport, I'm taking the last flight. i came back home  at 11:30 pm. 

今朝は8時半にチェックアウト、その後大通り公園で写真を撮りスタバで朝食。マツと北海道神宮に行くので近くの地下鉄駅で待ち合わせ、古いお札を処分してもらい、参拝後は焼き餅を頂戴しました。中にあんこが入っていて美味しかった❗それも今日は無料です。その後お教室の片付け、量が多く中々片付けた感じがせず😞⤵ 後ろ髪を引かれる思いで北海道を発たなければなりません。最終便で自宅に午後11時半に到着。

Oh! Sorry lots photos(^^; See you.

