

2016.Oct.3-Oct.10 Volunteer ボランティア

Oct.3(Mon.) Today I started the family support which I told you about last time. I picked up a little boy from preschool at 2:20pm, and then took him to an English school. Unfortunately, it was raining. He is a shy person, and he's so quiet. So, I asked him as we were walking, "Which do you like best?" He likes trains very much. He likes rice better than bread. He likes ume-onigiri(pickled plum rice ball) best, and syake-onigiri (salmon rice ball) is his next choice. Oh! We have the same taste in food.
以前話していたファミリーサポートが今日から始まりました。保育園から英会話教室まで1時間程のサポートです。坊やはとても恥ずかしがり屋でおとなしかったので、どっちが好きなのか聞きながら歩きました。乗り物は電車がすき。パンよりご飯が好き。おにぎりは梅が一番、次に鮭が好き。わー! 私と一緒です。

Oct.4(Tue.) The second support day. Since the weather was fine, we walk holding hands. His hands were very small and cute. 2日目。 今日は晴れたので手を繋ぎながら歩きました。坊やの手は小さくてとても可愛かったです!

Oct.5(Wed.) The third support day. When I meet him, I brought a picture book. We didn't have much time to read, so I brought a short story picture book. He likes books. 3日目。坊やは本が大好きなので、私はいつもバッグに絵本を入れています。ただ、絵本を読む時間がそんなに無いので短いお話です。

Oct.6(Thu.) This is the final support this week. We played a game, "Which one will you choose?" while waiting for the train.今週最後のサポートです。電車を待っている間にどっちの手に入っている?の遊びをしたりします。坊やに協力をして貰い写真を撮りました。

Oct.8(Sat.) I volunteered to drive again today.  I went out from 5pm to 10pm. I was very tired today. 以前もお手伝いした運転ボランティアです。午後5時から家を出て皆の送迎後午後10時に帰宅します。大きな車で神経を使うためとても疲れました。

Oct.9(Sun.) &10(Mon.) There was a Kappabashi festival. Kappabashi-dori, also known just as Kappabashi or "kitchen town", is a street in Tokyo between Ueno and Asakusa which is almost entirely populated with shops supplying the restaurant trade. There shop sell everything from knives and other kitchen utensils, mass produced crockry, restaurant furniture, ovens and decorations, through to esoteric items such as the plastic display food samples found outside Japanese restaurants. 10月9日、10日と合羽橋道具街のお祭りでした。初日は午前中雨で、午後から晴れました。ディスプレイ用のサンプルなど面白いお店が並んでいて見て歩くだけで楽しめます。外人さんも多く見掛けます。

See you!

