

2016.Aug.8-Aug.15 Bon dance 盆踊り

●Aug 8(Mon) During the Olympic games, I wanted to do some sports. When I was learning swimming 8 years ago, there were many people at the pool too.オリンピック期間中は、刺激を受けてスポーツをしたくなるものです。私がスイミングを習っていた8年前(北京オリンピック)もプールに沢山の人が来てました。

●Aug 9(Tus) Today I cooked  Chankonabe(ちゃんこ鍋:a stew-like dish traditionally served to sumo wreslers). I borrowed a cookbook called Chankonabe from the library yesterday. I always believe you should "eat something hot during hot weather", so I tried cooking it. Of course I cook other types of stew-pots a lot, but this is the first time I'm trying out shio(salt) style Chanko.
1. Ingredients of mince ball: 800g chicken mince, 5g~15g salt, 1/2 cup yam, 1 egg, 1 tbsp starch, 1 cup green onion(add last). Pictured here is half a portion, which makes about 12~14 balls.つくねの材料:鶏ひき肉800g, 塩 5~15g, 山芋 1/2カップ, 卵 1個, 片栗粉 大1, 万能ネギ 1カップ(最後に加える)。写真は半分の分量で12~14個のつくねが出来ます。

2. To make mince ball, knead all Ingredients until sticky. Add the green onion last and make into ping-pong ball sizes. 材料を順番に粘りが出るまでこね、最後に万能ネギを加え混ぜ、ピンポン玉サイズに丸める。

3. Soak the konbu(kelp) in water, turn the heat on middle, and remove the kelp just before the water comes to a boil. 昆布を水から入れ沸騰直前に取り出す。

4. Add the mince ball into the soup, turn the heat on high then skim off the scum that rises to the surface ofthe cooking water. 鍋につくねを入れ強火で加熱、浮いてきたアクを丁寧にとる。

 5. Season the soup with sake and salt beforehand, then add vegetables. 塩と酒で味を整えて、野菜を加える。

6. This is ponzu(ポン酢;juice pressed from bitter orange) dipping sauce, you can add other types of relish too. Oh! It's delicious! Please try this salt-style Chankonabe.

●Aug 11(Thu)  Today is a new national holiday-Yamanohi (Mountain Day). 2016 is the first year we are celebrating it. In Japan, we also have  Uminohi (Marine Day;3rd Monday of July), a holiday since 1996. Many people climbed mountains today.


●Aug 13(Sat)-15(Mon) Bon Festival:A Buddhist event to hold memorial services for ancestors, from August 13 to 15 in which ancenstors' souls are welcomed with sacred fire and seen off with a bonfire for escorting the spirits of the dead. During the Bon period, vegetables and fruit are offered at Bon shelves, and in certain regions, people enjoy the Bon dance, performed around a drum set on a scaffold. In other regions, small lanterns on floats are set adrift on rivers, symbolizing ancestors' souls(shoro nagashi). Many companies and stores are closed during the Bon holiday. People return to their hometown, or go on a vacation to the beach, to the mountains, or even abroad. Railroad stations and airports are packed with travelers, but Tokyo will enjoy tranquility for this brief period.
Check out Tokyo's sky today, it's blue and perfectly clear👍⤴
8月13~15日に先祖の霊を供養するために行う仏教的な行事。 迎え火によって霊を招き、送り火で霊を見送る。その間、盆棚に野菜や果物などを供える。 やぐらにのせた太鼓を囲んで盆踊りをしたり、精霊流しをしたりする地域もある。ほとんどの会社やお店は、お盆休みになります。故郷へかえったり、海や山や海外旅行に行ったりします。駅や空港は大混雑しますが、東京の町はとても静になります。そして、東京の空は綺麗な青に!

This is Kandamyojin shrine.

See you next week.

