

20017. January 1st New Year お正月

Happy New Year. 明けまして おめでとうございます
In Japan, the time period of January is called "oshougatsu"especially from January 1st to 7th. Many companies and shops are closed for the first three days of the New Year.
Oshougatsu is a very important day for Japanese. 日本では、新年の1ヶ月、とりわけ1月1日~7日までを「お正月」と呼びます。
It is said that Oshougatsu was originally a festival to welcome Toshigami, a Shinto god, and pray for a rich harvest for the year. Now, it is an event to celebrate the new year.
People say "akemashite omedetou gozaimasu" or "congratulations on the new year" to people whom they meet for the first time in the new year. "gozaimasu" is added for politeness. 年が明けて初めて会った人には「明けましておめでとうございます」と挨拶。「ございます」と丁寧に挨拶します。During New Year holidays, a lot of Japanese people visit shrines or temple to make wishes for the coming year. お正月休みの間に、多くの人が新年の願い事をするために神社仏閣を訪れます。Most Japanese people buy or prepare osechi. osechi is a type of dish, specially-prepared and eaten during the New Year.
This photo is the last New Year's osechi. 
My younger son's family came back to visit from America during oshogatsu last year.  

Today I visited the hospital to see my friend. 入院中の友人に新年のご挨拶

Can you see Mt.Fiji? 多摩川河川敷から見えた富士山です。

Then I went to Kita-kamakura to visit my family grave. 病院の後は、北鎌倉に墓参

The plum-blossoms are still in bud.梅の木

I came back Tokyo at 4:30 pm. There were many people to visit Kandamyojin.(Shinto shrine) 4時半頃東京に戻りましたが、多くの人が神田明神に初詣に訪れていました。

See you next time(⌒0⌒)/~~

